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Today's Golfer Magazine - 'Wearing Out Your Glove'

This article was created by Steve Thomas and featured in Today's Golfer magazine for their 2024 December edition - Issue number 458.


The article content:

TOP 50 TEACHER Steve Thomas, Head of Instruction & Fellow PGA Coach

at Three Hammers Golf Academy, Wolverhampton.




Here is a common and problematic sight… a wear mark in the heel portion of your glove that will, in time, work right through the fabric.

This will cost you much more than the price of a new glove. This wear and tear happens because the handle is moving in your hand during the swing… meaning your grip is not able to control the club. That’s a sure recipe for inconsistency and loss of power. Let’s examine the two flawed grips that will cause glove wear, before looking at a simple way to put that gloved hand into a more effective position on the club.

Too high on the club

The first grip-wearing hold sees the hand placed too high on the club. With the heel of the hand either above or against the top of the butt, it is impossible to secure the handle between the fingers and the palm properly.

Too high in the palm

In the second poor hold, the handle is too far up into the palm of the hand. With this hold, the fingers can’t get involved in stabilising the handle and a loose club slips up and down the palm during the swing.


Perfect placement

Before we get into the drill that will guide you to a more effective gloved-hand position, let’s just remind ourselves where the handle needs to be in our lead hand. Broadly, it should run from the base of our little finger to the middle joint of the index finger (shown above). The heel of the hand should be against the handle itself, just below those white lines that mark the butt of the handle (above right).

Secure, yet mobile

Close the fingers around the handle from this position and you will feel how your gloved hand works to secure and stabilise the club. The little finger can squeeze gently against the heel of the hand to hold the club securely in place. With the fingers wrapped nicely around the grip, they provide security and mobility. With this hold in place, the club feels under control yet alive… the perfect combination.

Drill: Pegged out

To work on a much better position for that lead hand, find a tee peg and some tape. Take a lofted iron and place the peg against the back of the handle at the top, flared end down, with around half the length of the peg above the butt. Tape it in place as shown here. Try gripping the club with either of those two poor holds covered opposite and you’re in for a world of pain!

Secure hold

Instead, form your grip so the little finger sits under and against the top of the peg. This forces the hand into the ideal position:- The grip will feel more in the fingers and less in the high palm.- The heel of the hand now sits nicely on top of the handle.Apply some gentle pressure to see how much more secure this hold feels. Expect much greater consistency… and longer-lasting gloves.

Written by Fellow PGA Coach Steve Thomas

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Steve Thomas Golf

3 Hammers Golf Complex,

Old Stafford Rd, Coven,

Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Midlands,

United Kingdom

WV10 7PP


Tel: +44 7875 094 600


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Coaching Hours:

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 3.30am - 8.30pm

Wednesday: 10.00am - 8.30pm

Thursday: 10.00am - 8.30pm

Friday: 3.30pm - 8.30pm 

​​Saturday: 10.00am - 4.00pm ​

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