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Today's Golfer Magazine - My Article on Adam Scott

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

This article was created by Steve Thomas and featured in Today's Golfer magazine for their May 2020 (March 12th-April 8th) edition - Issue number 398. .

The article content:

TOP 50 TEACHER Steve Thomas, Senior PGA Instructor

at Three Hammers Golf Academy. Wolverhampton.

Role model..


The world always makes a little more sense when Adam Scott wins a golf tournament. For many years, the 39-year-old Australian's swing has been hailed as one of golf's finest. It is surprising, then, to learn that Scott's recent victory at the Genesis Invitational was only his 14th on the PGA Tour in a career going back 17 years, and his first since 2016-a fact, which, perhaps, illustrates challenges adjusting to the 2016 putter anchoring ban. What has never been in question, though, is his superlative long game. Here we catch him in delivery, a fantastic position from which any golfer can learn.


Adam's hips are rotated open and leading his shoulders. This is a key part of a powerful release. The club player's hips are typically facing the ball here, creating a weak side-on impact. To feel Scott's move, find a wall. Set up so your backside is two inches from it. Swing back till the club is level with the ground. Now rotate your hips towards the target while holding your shoulder position: feel your lead glute touch the wall.


Adam's right elbow is in front and into the body. This allows him to stay connected and produce a

well-timed impact. Club players often straighten the trail arm prematurely. causing poor strikes and ball flight control. To feel this good position. get hold of a belt or band. Attach it from just above the trail elbow, around the chest and under the lead armpit. Make some half swings, feeling how close the elbow is to the body.


Adam's clubface is more looking at the ground than the sky. This is a strong position that means he doesn't need to rotate the face quickly through the hitting area to square it up. Gradually squaring the face is a great way to be more consistently accurate. To train this, swing down slowly, but focus on your lead wrist. Make sure it is flat, or even slightly bowed like Adam's.

This will help you keep that face strong.


Note how Adam's right heel is still grounded. Keeping his right foot down longer allows room for his arms and club to swing into the ball. If the trail heel rises too early, it can encourage an out-to-in attack through a lack of room. To feel this, place a sponge under your trail heel. Keep it squashed as you swing down and through.. but don't hang back. Your pressure

should move into your lead foot before impact.


  • Driving distance:

  • 305yards (34th)

  • Strokes gained approach

  • the green: 763 (\1th)

  • GIR:7167% (26th)

  • Stroke average: 69.683 (6th)

  • World ranking: 6th

Written by PGA Professional Steve Thomas

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Steve Thomas Golf

3 Hammers Golf Complex,

Old Stafford Rd, Coven,

Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Midlands,

United Kingdom

WV10 7PP


Tel: +44 7875 094 600


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